Weekly Homework Prompts Details

This weekly prompt will be a self-study based assignment that will review a lesson (sometimes, more than one lesson) from the SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) curriculum.

The purpose of this weekly prompt is to keep a beginner’s mind and to be intentional about self-study. 

Quick Details: 

  • There will be a prompt each week (14 in total) starting from mid-August to mid-December. 
  • These Prompts are under the Weekly Prompts menu at left.
  • There will be prompts on weeks when we do NOT have Training Calls. 
  • For review of neurosensory exercises, you are to actively engage and DO the full lesson(s). 
  • For review of theory, it is recommended to watch with full attention (instead of listening while on the go). 

Once you have completed the week’s ‘prompt,’ share your overall experience in the forum below as follows:

  • One Somatic Word*
  • A short paragraph
  • Or both (you choose) 

*Somatic Word – This is ONE word to describe your interoceptive experience. It doesn’t have to be an advanced word, or even English (if your mother tongue is not English write it out in your native language!). The key is to not second guess the word – go with your immediate impulse. 

Here’s an example of what this might look like: 

Prompt 5
Week of Sept 30
Lab 3, Lesson 3: Cultivating your inhale

Somatic Word: Impatient

I found that it was tough to stay present with the ground, orienting, etc., as I was waiting for a delivery that needed a signature. Now that I think about this, I should’ve waited to do this until that delivery arrived so I could be in full focus and not in a defensive orienting pattern. I might do this again later this week.