Prompt 2

1 – Complete what you didn’t finish from Weekly Prompt 1

Put your shares in the appropriate area on the SPT-Level 1 program site (remember to put your shares under ONE POST, either all in one comment, or as replies to your first comment). 

1a – Self-Assessment: 

  • If you did not complete all the prompts for Sept 9, self-reflect on why this did not happen, what could have done differently, is this a familiar pattern when it comes to completion of tasks, duties, and other life “stuff.” 
  • Connect to your interoceptive awareness and the 5 key themes as you self-reflect and consider how to approach the weekly prompts going forward. 

2 – Solo Fieldwork Assignment 

Refer to the Self-Care page on the SPT site  

Click for Google Doc with same outline

Please SAVE this Solo Assignment for future reference (there is no need to post this below)

Purpose: Outline a titrated nervous system-health focused plan for your Self-Care project 

  1. Written, on paper, on a google sheet. 
  2. Make it concrete (see “SMART” goals below).
  3. Titration is the name of the game. 
  4. Feel free to show up for office hours to work on this plan.
  5. How can you ‘coach’ yourself to improve your self-care needs? 

*NOTE: Don’t forget the “moving a mountain” metaphor!

Added reminders: 

  • While this is for YOU, this is a process to facilitate how you would do this with others AND aid your “buddies” during SPT-Level 1. 
  • Consider it a ‘scientuitive’ nervous system-based method for helping people move towards their health goals (while you need not be the expert on diet, fitness, or aspects of lifestyle change, you can help facilitate the process at the root cause level). 

* * *

1. Topic of self-care: [WRITE IT OUT]

Pause, connect to these 5 key themes: 

  • Orienting (external awareness to the environment)
  • Following Biological Impulse (interoceptive awareness along with musculoskeletal behaviour)
  • Resourcing (natural focus to positive resources)
  • Noticing Breath (interoceptive awareness)
  • Potent Posture (musculoskeletal awareness; blend of external and internal interoceptive awareness

2. List the big goal for end of June 2025

Pause, connect to these 5 key themes, again. 

3. List all the subgoals to get there (are the subgoals of subgoals?)

Pause, connect to these 5 key themes, again. 

4. Are all the subgoals SMART? 

SMART: Specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant, time-bound/timely

*Google this concept and you’ll find a lot of breakdowns for ‘SMART’ goals. 

Work through each, and again: connect to 5 key themes


1 – Are these 5 key themes starting to become more autonomic with the repetition? 

2 – Did any emotion, memory, sensation, anything else, arise as you moved through this Self-Care Solo Fieldwork Assignment with a titrated, interoceptive, and exteroceptive approach? 

On September 23, I will randomly choose 3 people to present their self-care plan. Come prepared with your write-up accessible

Integration exercise: 

Playing off the ‘NS story’ question we explored on our first breakout lesson/session on TC #1 (on Sept 9), 

“One part of my NS story that happened recently was”

How might you use this script, but slightly differently, for working with this self-care project? 

For example:

  • One part of my NS story that makes it tough for me to commit to…
  • One part of my NS story that haunts me is…

[When I tune into this part of my story, I notice…]

What else might you come up with to help facilitate healing old wounds around self-care, but also, how you might REFRAME the future? 

For example:

  • One part of my future NS story that I’m excited about is ..
  • One part of my future NS story will be knowing that I can …

[When I tune into this part of my story, I notice…]